Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thunder Bay, ONT-
...The Thunder Bay Timberwolves got their man. John Tavares was always the only choice to take first overall.
..."Without a doubt," said Timberwolves GM Blake Wendt. "I'd be lying if I said we didn't look at all our options. Even trading the pick. Any team would. It's the right thing to do for the success of your organization. But it was quickly realized that John Tavares would absolutely help our hockey club more than if we didn't have him. He's got four years of solid performance in juniors under his belt. Excellent coaching, and his game was taken to another level on the international stage. Some have questioned John's skating, but we have no concerns. The OHL is the most dominant junior league in the world, and you don't survive there if your skating isn't up to par. He's the most heavily scouted player in recent memory. His game was bound to get picked apart. That's fine. We are extremely happy to have had the chance to draft Tavares and look for him to have a major impact on the overall success of the Timberwolves for a long time to come."

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